Pumpkin and Macaroon Risotto

Gli Aironi


22,40 €/kg 250g
5,60 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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Pumpkin and macaroon risotto is an interpretation by Gli Aironi to recreate one of the all-time classics of north Italian cuisine. Milanese cuisine. This risotto is not precooked, but only moistened with vegetable broth, and then freeze-dried and dressed with pumpkin and crumbled macaroons. It's quick and easy to prepare, created for people in a rush but unwilling to relinquish the flavour of truly delicious and refined recipes.

Accompany with a soft and aromatic white such as Sauvignon or a Friulano wine.

22,40 €/kg 250g
5,60 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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