Anchovy Fillets

Vicente Marino


79,57 €/kg 230g
18,30 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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Marca Vicente Marino lets you serve its best salted anchovies due to the size and dimensions of the fish. When the fish arrives in the waters of the Bay of Biscay, it has reached its ideal size. It is processed according to tradition: after being washed and selected, it is cleaned and then placed in brine. After 10-12 hours the anchovies are drained and then placed in layers, covered with sea salt. The size is classified based on its size: from the 0/0, which are no longer found, up to category IV. In this delicious version, the olive oil makes it possible to conserve this most elegant fish for a long period of time.

79,57 €/kg 230g
18,30 €

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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